BierTalk English 12 – Talk with Max Raffaele, former Homebrewer and now Hop Breeder and Hop Grower in São Paulo, Brazil

Max Raffaele started out as a civil surveyor and professional land surveyor in the US and came to homebrewing through one of his co-workers. After many more or less good brews, he became more and more interested in hops and bought two plants at a local nursery. They developed splendidly and a new love was born. Shortly afterwards, Max met his future wife – a Brazilian. The two married and moved to Sao Paulo – and he immediately started his hop cultivation there as well. The Brazilian brewers reacted incredulously at first, but were quickly converted by fresh local hops. Today, Max can even harvest up to three crops a year and also sells many hop plants throughout Brazil and South America. In the podcast he tells his exciting story…


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