BierTalk English 22 – Talk with Alfie Amayo, Head Destiller of Seekers Spirit House in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Alfie Amayo originally wanted to pursue a career in medicine, but then he found his new calling at the still. In his hometown of London, he advised bars and pubs and eventually became the brand ambassador for 10 Degrees C. This eventually brought him to the City of London Distillery, where he worked as brand manager. The next adventure was supposed to be a little trip around the world, but ended at the first stop, Cambodia. There, he helped set up Seekers Independent Spirits – and a month’s planned time turned into many years. He found his wife and a new home in the small Southeast Asian country and, as Head Distiller, is responsible for the company’s innovative brandies and liqueurs. In the podcast, we talk about the beer market in Cambodia, Alfie’s exciting career, and the many innovations he has introduced at and with Seekers…

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